不小心踏入威士忌坑的朋友,一定都會聽過協會酒,而他的全名是「The Scotch Malt Whisky Society」簡稱SMWS蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌協會,而今天我們先簡易的分享兩隻的開箱,揭開協會酒神秘的面紗。

聽到SMWS,只要記得三個最重要的要件,IB(獨立裝瓶)Single Cask(單桶原酒)限定限量


這次來跟大家分享這次購入的兩隻協會酒「SMWS 64.98 Champagne Sherbet」、「SMWS 135.19 Easy lover」。

威士忌協會酒 SMWS 64.98 Champagne Sherbet 品飲分享

SMWS 64.98 Mannochmore 9Y Refill Ex-Bourbon Barrel 60.5% 201 bts

風味分類 : 年輕且活潑 ( Young & spritely )

產區 : 斯貝賽 ( Speyside )

SMWS notes:

A lively and invigorating nose carried the effervescence of lemon sherbet and chalky sweets with the dusty and perfumed freshness of talcum powder sprinkled over a freshly cut lawn. Sweet vanilla joined the yeasty brioche notes of rich champagne and croissants filled with marzipan. Water turned the champagne into bucks fizz enjoyed with pineapple ice-lollies, strawberry jam and lime cheesecake with a thick biscuit base and a scattering of lemon zest. The finish followed the floral curve of elderflower cordial with the slight bitterness of fresh almonds and a lasting tingle of nutmeg and cloves. Like

Champagne Sherbet(香檳雪酪)SMWS上面的風格分類是年輕且活潑,這種分類通常會是比較展現出年輕威士忌的魅力,而不是著重在陳年的表現上,在香氣的表現非常甜美,就像他的命名一樣,雪酪的糖果、水果的甜香味,還有淡淡的檸檬皮的味道,再加上水之後,結構展開後出現鳳梨的香氣。



威士忌協會酒 SMWS 135.19 Easy lover 品飲分享

SMWS 135.19 Loch Lomond 11Y New oak hogshead, heavy char 55.6% 279 bts

風味分類 : 多汁、桶味、香草 ( JUICY, OAK & VANILLA )

產區 : 高地 ( Highland, Southern )

SMWS notes:

From the get-go it was an easy affair as the ripe fruits of pineapple, pear and guava coupled with toasted almonds, Brazil nuts and creamy caramel. Leather books and strong oak suggested a stroll up the aisle between dusty church pews, however a mouth-coating spiciness emerged on the palate bound by an abundance of treacle, blueberry muffins and cherry bakewells. Water unveiled delicious hot cross buns with melted butter alongside banana skins, coconut husk and hot chocolate. Flavours of salted caramel, honey and banana cake shone through and were joined by coffee and wood on the finish. After spending nine years in an ex-bourbon hogshead this was transferred to a heavily charred new oak hogshead for the remainder of its maturation.

EASY LOVER,應該要叫萬人迷還是中央空調呢,SMWS上面的風格分類是多汁、桶味、香草,是一款複雜卻有趣的風味組成。在香氣上明顯的鳳梨、奶油焦糖的香氣,聯想到小時候吃的克林姆麵包,上面灑了一些杏仁片。純飲的時候豐富的甜感的香氣在口腔爆炸,口水直流的辛辣感。加水之後溫和的口感把鹹感帶出來,尾韻出現苦巧克力、咖啡、木頭的味道。

這款來自Loch Lomond的EASY LOVER,我想這款名字更勝叫做中央空調,複雜有趣的酒款,一開始的甜蜜到辛辣,最後是偏苦的巧克力咖啡收尾,像是不小心愛錯了人。渣男語錄:我不是渣,只是想給每個女孩一個家。

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